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Inspirations: it's my all-time fave word. Why?

It means the world to me. It actually means even more than the world.

In my wild imagination, inspiration is everything. I simply am in love with the word. It's the most beautiful word in both the French and English languages. (Actually, there are many other beautiful words out there too, but this is among my most faves.)


Ever heard of the term 'being inspired'?

Well, it's much more than sitting there with an invisible light bulb over your head. In the long run, you'd need much more than the patience to sit for two seconds in order to be inspired.

You need imagination. I have plenty. Need to borrow some? I'll lend some - hmmm, maybe two million dollars per ounce? Second? GB? Anyway, constantly having a mind full of ideas and imagination will definitely help you get to 'inspiration' and the state of being inspired.

So now are you thinking, 'nerd'? Being inspired - imagination - ideas - GB's - total nerd. No. Simply no. If you were a nerd, by definition, all you do is read, study, get good grades, repeat, and have no contact with the outside world outside of your tiny shell. So how could you become imaginative and inspired when you're stuck in your own little shell reading and doing math problems all day? There is no way - unless you're adventurous, bold, and courageous - your ABC's. That's me. That's why I'm nearly always inspired. I'm not bragging; I'm stating the fact. If you're good enough to always be inspired lik me, then you just earned yourself the right to brag.



inspiration /ˌinspəˈrāSH(ə)n/ n.

1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

(Thank you, Google!) - 5.6M results in 0.45 seconds

Sentence example: Someone who lives without inspiration is a dead person - that would be me if I wasn't inspired ... so not the best example to use in English class ... especially if you have a boring English teacher that is never inspired besides by overloading you with homework.


Want to know if you qualify for being 'inspired'? Take our Inspirations Quiz now!

You'll get a score on the Inspiration scale: 1 being absolutely a dull, dead person and 8 being an absolute inspiration-genius!




If you are easily offended please do not read on as my intent here is not to offend people but inspire them to wake up a bit and see the real world for the first time.

(Maybe that bit already was a bit insulting for some...)

I hated being called a 'teen.' Why? Why would you think? Are you a teen? Tween? Baby? Anyway, the supposed term of "teen" (meaning teenager) has given itself a negative connation. Why again? Well, thanks to the millions of idiots out there aged 13-19! So let me back up a bit and explain so we're on the same page (even though there's only one page here): "teen" has defined itself to mean (this is the girl version, by the way, as I'm female, obviously):

teen /tēn/ n.

"an adolescent who overloads her natural face in chemicals, obsesses over her newest iPhone and cannot live for five seconds without it, desperate for as many boyfriends (or so she calls them) as she could loop into her trap, needs the newest trendy clothing and major brand in the market or she'll suffer from social anxiety, hurts others (usually verbally and mentally) to crawl her way up the stupid social ladder at school, acts like an idiot (perhaps because she is one!) to attract public attention (especially undecent dumb guys'), thinks she is charming and beautiful and attractive and sexy but is only stupid and irritating and slutty and a nuisance that can't keep her belly or chest covered with fabric with all the most ridiculous demands in the world."

Are you offended yet? Perhaps if you're a guy you're not. If you're a tomboy then obviously none of that had just applied to you. Who I really was describing? No one... (I'm giggling right now)

But you know who you are.

I don't want to waste my precious "Inspirations" page - the most important page on the whole site - talking about the stereotypical 'dumb' 'teen' girl. I'd rather move on to something a bit more pleasant.


Let's talk about real inspiration.

What is inspiration? Have you ever wondered?

If you answered yes, then you're on the right track.

You simply cannot live without being inspired...that is a true fact. (I beg to have autocorrect here! This is annoying typing this - I've backspaced about the number of times a hummingbird flaps its wings in a lifetime already!)

Sorry about the complaints.

See, this is another topic I'd talk about. Complaining. Boy, I'm the best complainer in the world. But wait to see why.

[07 February-15 9:16pm] Today I just came up with the idea of the Complaining Book. It will be where my sister and I write our annoying complaints down into - into a notebook specially reserved for writing down our complaints so our tired mother would not have to deal with that crap, 'scuse me. And guess what? Because I'm happy now I have a gift for you - the Complaining Comments Box where you can write down whatever complaint you have! So to vent out, let out your anger, whatever. (I'll certainly have to make sure I don't enter my email address in to receive those complaints...that would just be wonderful to have a pile of those hurtling into my inbox, huh?) Actually, scratch that. I'll get a blog and have a section for "Complaining Comments." (aka, Don't Read Pile!)

So kisses & you're welcome!


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